Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.

Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated … Read more

Discuss and analyze background information to include previous and current strategic management of Alphabet.

Assignment Overview The intention of the strategic management project is to provide you with practical experience with the elements of strategic management. The project is spread across each week of this course. Weeks 1-4 allow you to evaluate the strategic planning elements of Alphabet, Inc., Google’s parent company, through documentation in the strategic management research … Read more

What role do the customer service styles play in building excellent customer service?

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: The old saying that first impressions are everlasting could not be more accurate for customer service professionals. Perceptions and feelings form within the first few minutes of engaging with customers. It can be the word choice, tone of voice, facial expression, or listening ability that could be … Read more

Compare and contrast the contributions of Deming and Juran to the idea of total quality.

Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: Using what you … Read more

Discuss the Development and Validation of a Customer Centric Online Reputation Scale: Exploring Cross-Context Applicability.

This dissertation aims to address the growing need for a reliable and adaptable measurement tool that can evaluate online reputation in a customer-centric manner. Online reputation has become a pivotal factor for organizations in the digital age, influencing consumer behavior, brand loyalty, and overall market success. However, existing measures of online reputation are often fragmented … Read more

Develop three goals for your personal leadership development.

Chapter 5 of Text added The purpose of the Leadership Philosophy final paper is to articulate a rational, comprehensive, integrated system of thought regarding your fundamental beliefs, values, and knowledge that encompasses your personal and organizational dimensions of leadership. In your paper, Discuss your definition of leadership. Defend your definition of leadership with scholarly literature. … Read more

Identify if your company has already expanded into the country you select in the regions listed above.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, from the book: Green, M. C., & Keegan, W. J. (2020). Global marketing (10th ed.). Pearson, review Chapter 4: Social and Cultural Environments, Chapter 5: The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments, and Chapter 6: Global Information Systems and Market Research. Watch the BUS622 Week Two | AssignmentLinks to … Read more

What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory Be Like?

Here are the style/structure requirements for the term paper: Format: Any (MLA, APA…choose your favorite) *****Type of writing: expository/argumentative***** Don’t forget this! – Perfect grammar and spelling is expected for college-level writing. Length: 4-6 double spaced pages…no less than four pages, #12 font size References: I’m not picky about this; you are welcome to use … Read more

Explain how your proposal aligns with the organizational vision, mission, and goals.

his week you will explore the inner world of emotions and how their external manifestation impacts an organization. Too often, emotional challenges receive attention only when a negative consequence plays itself out. Likewise, emotional challenges resulting in productive outcomes go unrecognized. How can an organization harness both sides of this emotional coin to channel motivation … Read more