List and describe at least four decision-making theories.

Required format for each answer.
I. Introduction: this should include an embracing introductory paragrpph and the outine of the rest of the essay
II. Subheadings (at least two): to facilitate the organization of the ideas
III. Conclusions
IV. References

You are expected to answer two questions distinctly. Please make sure the answers provide differetn content and references.

Essay 1
List and describe at least four decision-making theories. Which of these decision-making theories assume individuals are rationally bounded? Which policy areas are more likely to be illustrated with each theory and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
As a manager, which decision-making process would you choose when making decisions and why? Make sure you cite the relevant literature I have sent to you.

Why do public organizations exist? What creates the need for government? How do you assess the level of publicness of any organization? How have the public and private sectors blurred in recent years? What distinguishes public management from private management and what makes them alike? Make sure you could only cite the relevant literature I have sent to you.

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