Write a research report outlining the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on individuals suffering from severe mental illness.

Write a research report outlining the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on individuals suffering from severe mental illness.Use the Attached Files Below. I am a freshman in college, so don’t use big words. Needs to be able to be understood by classsmates. My topic is about The Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 and how it effected people then and how it is still effecting people now to this day. To receive full credit, must initial draft must meet the minimum word count (which is 1500) and be properly formatted according to MLA guidelines. Make sure to note the word count after the conclusion, and include a Works Cited page. The total word count should not consist of the Work Cited Page.

“They Say/I Say” mixture ratio: Has a roughly 60/40 balance been ac
writer’s voice (60%) and the sources’ voices (40%).
counterargument to the author’s own? Is this perspective thoroughly and fairly conveyed?
reflected in their
talking points discussed, etc.?
includes a proper heading and header, a proper two
consistent double
page with proper bibliographic entries, word count listed after the conclusion, etc.

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