The Marketing Strategy and Implementation section (IV) should be where the majority of your emphasis lies – Target Market and the 4 P’s.

Once again, take time to review “Instructions for 5 Step Framework” document as a reminder of what should be within each section.
I recommend that you use bullet points as the format for the Situation Analysis portion of your proposal – FULL sentences, but in bullet point form. You can probably complete the Situation Analysis in a couple of pages (no penalty for more, just may not be necessary).
Slightly reduce emphasis in paper.
Do not worry about placing much time and effort on the last section (V) as this holds the least importance for your proposal.
Reduce emphasis in paper.
The Marketing Strategy and Implementation section (IV) should be where the majority of your emphasis lies – Target Market and the 4 P’s. (Remember that I recommend that you not deal with Price on the cases – “price structure should remain the same”…) Be sure to include as much specificity as possible for ALL of your recommendations. It might help to think “…for example…” every time you make a suggestion. Remember, you are proposing what NBBCo should do over the next 12 months or so regarding their marketing effort. Work/write as if the reader knows nothing about what you propose and that your job is to paint the clearest picture possible – you want NBBCo to embrace your proposal and implement, so they must know EXACTLY what you’re proposing.

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