Write a research paper explaining the partial credit assignment and explaining how the current version of my paper did not satisfy the requirements listed in the appendix.

Write a research paper explaining the partial credit assignment and explaining how the current version of my paper did not satisfy the requirements listed in the appendix.For partial credit, identify how your paper as currently written met or did NOT meet the criteria outlined in the Appendix. Do this for each section, starting with “task”. For any section where you can demonstrate you followed the guidelines, I will give you partial credit.
TASK. Participate in an experiential AND synchronous or IRL training session or activity. You may also opt to complete a “30 Day Culture Challenge” (see option c) within your organization/team.
Simply watching a pre-recorded video on You Tube (or elsewhere) does not qualify as an experiential activity. I’ve posted several resources for locating diversity training under the Experiential DEI analysis resources. There are also three exemplar papers for additional guidance. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a 15% deduction in your final grade.
Paper: The paper should include the following sections for options a and b.
I. DEI training/activity details:
Name of training/presentation
Registration link
II. Introduction.
Introduce the focus of the training/experience.
Explain why you chose to attend that particular event.
III. Summary of training/activity.
Describe the purpose of the training or experience and how it was delivered.
Identify who presented and who attended the event.
Were the speaker(s) credible?

Was the audience engaged? Why/why not?
IV. Takeaway.
What were the key concepts presented? Be sure to define the concepts that you incorporate from the textbook by clearly and accurately quoting or paraphrasing.
Which concepts might be integrated into your own organization’s DEI efforts and why? Support your analysis with evidence (e.g. course references).
V. Reference section.
List references used here. Citations and references should use the APA style. Min of 5 different course references required.

Important information
I received a 0 for a paper I turned in. My teacher believe I submitted a paper that was from another class, in which it’s not true. I use coursera to enroll into a mini course to do this assignment. I was under the impression that I was able to choose anything and tie in the class materials we’ve learned but that was not what the assignment was about. I had nothing but great intentions and want to express that and how I did not turn in a paper from a previous class. This assignment is to convince my professor that my intention was pure when taking the time to write this assignment and although I didn’t follow the directions throughly, I want to elaborate on how my paper from my point of view on how I thought I was supposed to write this paper. Complete full assignment.

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