Submit a bi-weekly reading report listing what you have read for this course in the past two weeks.

Submit a bi-weekly reading report listing what you have read for this course in the past two weeks. The report should be an annotated bibliography with typical bibliographical entry including a listing of the pages read followed by a short paragraph with a brief description of the content of the reading and an evaluation of the material presented.

Lightner and White Lightner, Robert P. The Death Christ Died: A Biblical
Case for Unlimited Atonement. Second Ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Kregel
Publications, 1998. ISBN: 0825431557

White, James R. The Potter’s Freedom: A Defense of the Reformation and a Rebuttal of Norman Geisler’s Chosen But Free. Revised Ed. n.p.: Calvary Press, 2009. ISBN – 13: 9781879737433

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