Take home Exam-What do schools teach? Curriculum Inquiry

Apple, M. W. & King, N. R. (1977). What do schools teach? Curriculum Inquiry, 6(4), pp. 341-35.

 Crawley, K., & Hirschfield, P. (2018). Examining the school-to-prison pipeline metaphor. Oxford
Research Encyclopedia. USA: Oxford University Press.
 Jones, D. (1990). The genealogy of the urban schoolteacher. In Stephen J. Ball (ed.), Foucault and Education: Disciplines and Knowledge. Routledge. pp. 1–57. 
 Sibley, E. & Brabeck, K. (2017). Latino immigrant students’ school experiences in the United States: The importance of family– school–community collaborations. School Community Journal, 27 (1), 137-157.

 Spring, J. H. (2022). American education (20th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
 Thompson, S. J., Bender, K., Windsor L., Cook, M.S, & Williams, T. (2010) Homeless youth: Characteristics, contributing factors, and service options, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 20(2), 193-217.
Enriquez. (2017). A “master status” or the “final straw”? Assessing the role of immigration status
in Latino undocumented youths’ pathways out of school. Journal of Ethnic and Migration
Studies, 43(9), 1526–1543
 https://youtu.be/x3hJyIXh_Lc (The Big Picture: A Race for America)
 https://youtu.be/YgbBxBY0EkQ?si=AeqNA2s9PTcJowcv (Latino Wisconsin)
 https://youtu.be/tUaaJy5jFg0 (They’re Teaching Children to Hate America)
 https://youtu.be/Pi_1-a5BB74 (Stop the Hate: The Rise in Violence Against Asian Americans
 https://youtu.be/FX3QgQIbVy4?si=kj501MhW_r8bAgSB (Homeless Teenagers Surviving
Chicago Winter)
 https://youtu.be/kfcfrQxlJsU?si=EF72Jv_Uh0mjUdzO (Children in America’s Schools)

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