Examine the basic marketing models for a business or organization. Analyze a sports marketing strategy.

Create a promotion analysis and sales plan for a new line of products, including goals and the means to motivate your team.
Create a promotion analysis and sales plan for a new line of products, including goals and the means to motivate your team.

Background: You’ve already persuaded Red Bull’s executives with your analysis of the product, place, and price. You’re starting to get noticed for the diligence and insightfulness of your work. But Red Bull wants to make a big splash when introducing its coffee-flavored energy drinks and needs an analysis of the best strategy to promote its new line of products. In Assessment 4, you are asked to create a promotion analysis, the final component for Red Bull’s marketing analysis (this is not the assignment, this is just for you to understand the previuos assignment).

In order to achieve success, it will also be important to develop sales strategies that are a valuable component of the sales plan. This will enable Red Bull to meet or even exceed its sales objectives and goals.
A company can promote its products and services in a variety of ways, such as traditional media like TV, radio, and newspaper. But today’s age of social media and smartphones has opened up the ability to connect with the target market via apps, texting, online coupons, and videos. Red Bull also promotes its product via sports sponsorships. The goal is to get the consumer to buy the new line of coffee-flavored energy drinks and form loyalty to Red Bull and its products.

Continue with the fourth part of your marketing analysis and focus on the next of the 4 Ps—the promotional decisions for Red Bull. These are essential elements in building a sales plan.
Red Bull’s brand ambassadors must promote the new coffee-flavored energy drink to an older target market reward and motivate its team for a successful product launch. Your analysis should cover all aspects related to promoting the product, including to the customer, as well as to other promotional audiences.
Read Chapters 15, 16, and 18 in your textbook about sales promotions, social media, and marketing communications in order to prepare for this assessment. Here is a link to the Red Bull website that can help provide background on Red Bull brand ambassadors—its Wings Team:
The Wing. https://www.redbull.com/mea-en/your-ticket-to-the-best-student-job-in-the-world

Gather whatever background information you need to complete your assessment. To be successful at sales, various traits and skills will equate to greater success. These readings and resources will be helpful to maximize your sales success:
Plaksij, Z. (2020). Sales process: A roadmap to better sales performance. SuperOffice. https://www.superoffice.com/blog/sales-process/
MacDonald, S. (2020). 21 powerful sales techniques (backed by scientific research). SuperOffice. https://www.superoffice.com/blog/science-based-selling/
Patel, S. (2017). 6 ways to motivate your sales team. Inc. https://www.inc.com/sujan-patel/6-ways-to-motivate-your-sales-team.html
This website provides additional information about sales strategy that you may find helpful:
Malczan, N. (2019). How to build a perfect sales strategy. Engagebay. https://www.engagebay.com/blog/sales-strategy/

Think of:
Where we can sale, demographip, geolocation, industry and purpose of the product
creating or expanding in a market, pioneer or expanding.
Strategy where , how we make the product available, size, price, colors flavors, example Six or eight pack,
Where to sell? convenience store or arger stores
When? summer time or winter
More value based at some stores or a higher end product catered to a more afluent demographic,
Submit your analysis for the final P (promotion) for Red Bull’s product, in which you do the following:

Evaluate the effectiveness of Red Bull’s brand ambassadors and their impact on the promotional strategy for the new coffee-flavored energy drink.
How do Red Bull’s brand ambassadors strengthen the company’s message and expand their target market?
What ideas do you have to motivate, reward, and evaluate their brand ambassadors?
Are cash bonuses effective in motivating brand ambassadors?
Analyze the sales techniques and how they impact Red Bull’s marketing and sales plans. What suggestions do you have for potential improvements?

Analyze Red Bull’s sports marketing strategy.
How does the sponsorship of world-class extreme sports athletes and events help promote sales?
Describe Red Bull’s social media strategy and how it impacts marketing and sales plans.
How does the quantity and quality of social media content impact sales? Is video content important to Red Bull’s social media strategy?

Examine the implications of an integrated marketing program to Red Bull’s economic success.
Does a consistent message across multiple platforms impact sales? Why?
In the analysis:

Cite any sources you use.
Be sure your analysis presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Also, be sure to present evidence through strong paraphrasing/summarizing, appropriate tone, and sentence structure.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Communication should be clear and well organized, and support a central idea, with no technical writing errors, as expected of a business professional.
References: References and citations are formatted in a consistent style, using APA. See the Campus page Evidence and APA.
Number of resources: Use a minimum of three scholarly resources related to the content of the assessment.
Length of paper: Approximately 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to the title and references pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Examine the basic marketing models for a business or organization.
Analyze a sports marketing strategy.

Competency 2: Relate the importance of an integrated marketing program to the economic impact of a business.
Describe a social media strategy and how it impacts marketing and sales plans.
Examine the implications of an integrated marketing program.

Competency 4: Apply effective marketing planning and implementation.
Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
Competency 5: Develop a sales plan.
Analyze sales techniques and how they impact marketing and sales plans.

Competency 6: Evaluate management implications of marketing and sales plans.
Evaluate the effectiveness of brand ambassadors and their impact on a promotional strategy.

Describe methods to motivate and evaluate staff.

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