Write about how you would apply one or more of the five disciplines to your personal life or to an organizational situation.

Course Paper: Book Review, Reflective Paper or Literature Review
Any of the following will be suitable for a course paper.
Book Review – An individual review of a respected book. I suggest you run your proposed
book by by me to make sure it is suitable for the assignment. The following three sections will be
1. Critically evaluate the book’s thesis and how well the thesis is developed.

2. Discuss how useful the book is to the intended reader.
3. Evaluate how well it relates to or develops the idea of the learning organization. Compare and
contrast the thesis of this book with other theories and perspectives we have examined in this
course. What are the implications? What is your critique?
Reflective Paper – Class members may write a reflective paper based on their personal case
that describes what they are learning about how they approach difficult situations and how they
could behave in a more learning-oriented manner. You can also write about how you would
apply one or more of the five disciplines to your personal life or to an organizational situation.
Literature Review – Prepare a literature review of a topic within or related to organizational
learning. For example, you might look at communities of practice and their impact,
effectiveness of 360-degree feedback, use of technology to overcome barriers to learning, etc.
Each assignment will be expected to be turned in on the due date cited. Assignments can be turned in on Brightspace in Word document format and should be single-spaced.

Anywhere between 10-20 pages. No more than 20

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