Write a research paper elaborating on the regional differences in income inequality that exist between Americans of African American and White descent.

Write a research paper elaborating on the regional differences in income inequality that exist between Americans of African American and White descent.My research would be analyzing Regional Divergence in Income Inequality Between Whites and African Americans in the United States. My research question would be How do racial disparities in income inequality vary across different regions of the United States. The regions include: Northeast Region, Midwest Region, South Region, West Region.
1. Abstract(0.5 pages): summarizing the question, methods(I will use regression such as logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression) and results (you write that last, result would be by analyzing the variavle of regions, school attainment, education enrollment, employment status, occupation, and industy, showing that white people are having higher income)
2. Introduction (1.5 pages): what is your question and why it is important to do this
research; outline what you will be doing. (My dependent variable would be median income and my independent variable would be regions, school attainment, education enrollment, employment status, occupation, and industy. I would compare them in different regions and race in order to show the difference of income between two races)

3. Theoretical Background/Literature Review (10 pages). Use this as a way to lead into what hasn’t been done or your unique take on the issue. Introduce concepts and how they have been measured. Last graph should outline your unique position and why doing this research is needed

I have provided 3 articles, you can find some academic literatures. Thanks a lot.

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