Write a research paper outlining the risk identification process for the automotive supply chain and the 2011 tsunami.

Write a research paper outlining the risk identification process for the automotive supply chain and the 2011 tsunami.Risk Identification: The Tsunami of 2011 and the Automobile Supply Chain
Assume you are a supply chain manager for one of the “Big Three” U.S. automobile manufacturers: Ford, GM, or Chrysler. After the tsunami in Japan, you have been asked to identify critical supply chain risks as part of a lessons lessons-learned activity to better manage risks going forward.

Examine the articles below, and feel free to draw upon other sources to brainstorm and identify important risks. Summarize the risks you have identified, discuss your risk identification brainstorming process, and provide the rationale behind your thinking. Include a table of identified risks within your document. For each identified risk, complete the following:
Assess using probability and impact and explain your rationale.
Plot your risk on a probability/impact tablee, and color code the risks.
Create a simple risk register for the risks you have identified.
Summarize the process used to assess the risk.

Wheatley, M., & Ramsay, M. (2011, July 1). After the disaster in Japan. Automotive Logistics. https://www.automotivelogistics.media/after-the-disaster-in-japan/7408.article#:~:text=Japan%27s%20devastating%20earthquake%20and%20tsunami,were%20forced%20to%20close%20them

Canis, B. (2011, May 23). The motor vehicle supply chain: Effects of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami (CRS Report No. R41831). Congressional Research Service. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R41831/4

Your paper must be at least four full pages in length. You must have at least four outside sources when creating your paper Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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