Describe two activities that will help Jayce learn sight words.

Discussion 1:
Prompt: Jayce is a first-grader who repeated kindergarten. Jayce knows phonics fairly well and can sound out most simple words. However, Jayce is still struggling with sight words and is still not 100% with even the first 50 words. (He should know 150-200 sight words by this time in the year.) He wants to sound out every word instead of having immediate recognition.
Describe two activities that will help Jayce learn sight words. Keep in mind that Jayce is an active child and a very reluctant reader.

Discussion 2
Give a child between the ages of 6 and 12 a grade-level book to read for 1 minute. Calculate the number of errors and the words correct per minute. Then, using the oral reading rates norms, describe whether this student’s reading rate with ­accuracy is at, above, or below grade-level and time-of-year norms.

These are two different discussion questions. You do not have to give a title page. Please make sure to use/send references if needed. Make sure to label as Discussion 1 and Discussion 2

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