For your discussion board post, write about how temporality, social environment, and atmosphere work together to produce a certain effect(s). First, review what we’ve learned so far about theme and setting from Griffith.

This week, we’re wrapping up our second module, on setting and In Cold Blood! So far, we’ve talked about temporality, in week 6, that is how time is sped up or slowed down and how time is related to characters’ internal conflicts; about social environments as in week 7; and about atmosphere vis-à-vis Ralph Voss and “A Rose for Emily.” For our final week on setting in In Cold Blood, I’m hoping we can put these different aspects in conversation with each other.
For this week, you’re analyzing the last third of the novel. For your discussion board post, write about how temporality, social environment, and atmosphere work together to produce a certain effect(s). First, review what we’ve learned so far about theme and setting from Griffith. Then, pick out 2-3 passages from the last third of In Cold Blood that speak to Griffith’s multiple different ways of thinking about setting. Finally, in 200-300 words, write about how these aspects of setting are helping the story to develop a certain theme.
That’s it.
Your initial post is due on Wednesday, and your reply to one of your classmates is due on Thursday. When you reply, discuss how their post helps you to think differently about the settings and themes in In Cold Blood. Remember to title your post using descriptive tags.

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