“Emily Dickinson” I could not stop for Death’s

Create a word document with an MLA heading, spacing, and title.

Copy and paste the outline format for the body paragraphs onto the document, being sure that your document is evenly double-spaced.
Use the example outline provided here to help you create your outline. (The example only has one body paragraph completed, whereas you will complete all 3 body paragraphs.) Poetry Essay Body Para. Outline EXAMPLE Updated 2023-1.docx

Also, use the annotation that you completed of your poem, to help you decide how to order your paragraphs, and what quotes/examples you will include in each paragraph (see my instructional video).

You will submit your outline via CANVAS by the due date (including the annotated poem).
In the comments sections for the assignment submission, include up to 3 questions you have about the outline. Make the questions specific. (i.e. Did I do my internal citations correctly? I am not sure if I did my third analysis right in paragraph 3. Can you help me decide if this poetic line is an example of metaphor?)

Part of your grade in submitting your outline is meeting with me for an outline conference. If you miss your appointment without notice or do not attend a conference, 10 points will be subtracted from your grade.

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