CONCEPT WORKSHEET: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting your Peers

For this concept worksheet, return to any discussion from a previous week in this class and find 2 posts from other learners that you admire or appreciate. Feel free to choose posts from a couple different past discussions.

In a document, provide the following:
The original post, followed by a full APA reference for the post. (See the tip below for how to do this.)
A short paragraph about the post that includes a summary, paraphrase, and quotation of the original.
Repeat the above for the 2nd post you chose.

Finally, write a paragraph evaluating the process of creating your summaries, paraphrases, and quotations.
Which is one of these is easiest for you? Why?
Which is most challenging? Why?
Which of these techniques do you think you’ll use most frequently in your Persuasive Research Paper for this class?

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