Write a research report outlining the most frequent cause of anaemia due to iron deficiency.

Write a research report outlining the most frequent cause of anaemia due to iron deficiency. Ceate a PowerPoint presentation which must include the following
· Epidemiology or extent of the condition
· Progression/history of the condition
· Anatomy & physiology related to the
· Pathophysiology (the functional changes that
exist because of the condition, complication once the condition is
· Clinical manifestations (signs & symptoms)
· Existing prevention & therapeutic measures

Disorders (Examples: Any Anemias, Leukemia, Cancer)

· Please
follow the PowerPoint Rubric to Guide your submission. Please
ensure that you have met all requirements on the rubric prior to submission.
· PowerPoint should be substantive with
references in APA 7th ed format.
All references must be both
listed and cited to receive credit.
· Presentation should have a minimum of 12
· Each slide must include a script in the notes
section (this is what you would say if you were presenting the presentation in

Pathophysiological Basis for Immune Response
-Epidemiology or extent of the condition

-Progression/history of the condition

-Anatomy & physiology and Pathophysiology related to the

-Clinical manifestations (signs & symptoms)

-Existing prevention & therapeutic measures

• References are no
greater than 5 years old
• References are from
peer-reviewed journals, clinical textbooks, or other clinical professional
• References are NOT from
consumer-based websites (e.g., Mayo Clinic).

Format, Organization, & APA Formatting
• PowerPoint does not contain spelling/grammatical errors.
• Length not to exceed 15 slides which includes title and
reference slides.

• Your “script” is included with each slide in the Notes
• Text is paraphrased (avoid direct quotes)
• APA format for citations and references. All
from sources are cited.

Presentation: Effectiveness, Sequencing and Originality of
• Power point includes all material needed to gain understanding
of the topic.
• Power point inforamtion is organized in a clear and logical
• Power point shows creativity and originality is presented in a
unique and interesting way.

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