Write a research paper discussing more about the podcast is about anxiety.

Write a research paper discussing more about the podcast is about anxiety.Podcast #3: For Podcasts 3 and 4, you will choose a topic that is directly connected to your mental illness. For example, if you choose childhood ADHD, you can examine the highly debated issues around medicating children with stimulants. Is this effective? What are the controversial issues? OR how does childhood schizophrenia look different than adult schizophrenia? Each of the mental illnesses have specific issues that warrant a more comprehensive examination.

(((i choose anxiety)))


For the podcast assignment, you will be producing a 5 series Podcast related to a childhood mental illness that meets DSM V criteria. The entire podcast will consist of 5 separate videos, each ranging between 7-10 minutes in length. These will be due on separate dates throughout the semester so that you can devote appropriate time and resources to each segment. . For each podcast submission, you must also submit a one page typed reflection of the material. Failure to submit the reflection will result in a loss of 5 points for that assignment.
This is my podcast number 3 about anxiety

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