What is the significance of Radium Girls (movie) as it pertains to the worker; why are the events critical to modern day practices in medical imaging?

Emphasis on radiation safety and protection as it relates to an occupational radiation worker and patient.
1. What is health physics? Elaborate and give examples
2. why is radiation protection practices necessary for the patient and work?

3. what is ALARA? Give examples for each cardinal rules (time, distance, shield)
4. What is the significance of Radium Girls (movie) as it pertains to the worker; why are the events critical to modern day practices in medical imaging?

1) Typed. 12 inch font. Times New Roman
2) Doubled-spaced
3) 1-inch margins all around
4) reference page. at least 2 resources are required. the movie does not count as one of the resources. All resources must be cited
5) cover sheet
6) typing errors
7) the information presented must be pertinent and accurate

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