Write a paper that goes into further detail on What are the Business Management Theories?

The assignment (the research proposal) must include the following elements:
1. Title. This can include a subtitle and should indicate what the research is essentially about.
2. Abstract. The abstract sums up the research problem/questions, research design and methods, and relation to the literature and/or practice.
3. Introduction in the form of an analysis of the problem to be addressed. This introductory material should include a clear statement of the problem, the question(s) to be researched, the importance of those questions and an indication of the potential role of business and management theories in answering the questions.
4. A summary critical review of the relevant literature, both theoretical and applied.

This section should indicate what can be learnt from the current literature and will seek to identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of that literature. You are not expected to provide a comprehensive guide to the literature, but you are expected to communicate an understanding of some of the main theoretical ideas and presently available evidence relating to your topic. You must refer primarily to the academic literature. The professional literature and popular management literature might be helpful but tends to be limited to ‘how-to-do-it’ rather than an in-depth and critical understanding of problems.
5. An outline of the proposed research design and methods. You should outline the research design and the likely methods, taking care to point to the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed research methods. You must outline a research project that can feasibly be done within the constraints of the M.Sc. dissertation process – that is a project that can be completed by one person within the M.Sc. period of study. You should indicate that you have good reason to believe that the necessary data is available and can be collected in the time available, that your choice of method(s) is appropriate and likely to produce reliable and valid results, and that you have considered any ethical questions raised by the research.
6. Conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the problem, the purposes of the study, the research question/s, and the methodology. It should also acknowledge any possible limitations of the approach (such as problems of generalisability from a limited number of cases).
7. Appendix: commentary on your use of AI (see below for guidance)

The references must be academic and within 5 years
replace with a suitable title

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