Race, Class and Racism in the US.

Familiarize yourself with 1619 Project – https://pulitzercenter.org/sites/default/files/full_issue_of_the_1619_project.pdf
WatchI am Not your Negro – James Baldwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PaAbmRJ9bQ
Watch Redlining – The Origin Story of Institutional Racism https://www.theroot.com/redlining-the-origin-story-of-institutional-racism-1834308539
Read Critical Race Theory – A brief history https://www.proquest.com/docview/2555443026/1F42BCA9AEA04361PQ/1?accountid=38129&parentSessionId=k6ppcsk%2BuyI0I6rAaucP7nEIyzhfpSxpRnmzW%2FP%2B6yQ%3D&sourcetype=Newspapers
Read Being “Color Blind” Doesn’t Make You Not Racist https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/relationships-love/a32824297/color-blind-myth-racism/
Then, write a 350-word essay that cohesively responds to the following questions (please do NOT include the questions or question numbers in the post. Instead, write a mini-essay that includes in-text citations after all your facts, and a Work Cited at the end so we can see where you got all your ideas from!)
The 1619 Project was written through the lens of “critical race theory” (CRT). What does that mean? What is CRT? How and why is it helpful to view the history of America through a critical race theory perspective?
We have learned this week that race is a social construct. Why – and around when – was the concept of “race” created. Who benefited from the creation of this concept?
According to the Week 3 Powerpoint Lecture, what are some examples of scientific racism? (In other words, what policies and practices did it result in? How was science historically used to justify racism, colonialism, imperialism, and differential treatment of people?
What is redlining? How does redlining still impact people today? Who is it still impacted by it today? Give some examples.
Give some examples of how race/ethnicity and socioeconomics/class are intimately intertwined in the US.
in the film I Am Not Your Negro, James Baldwin tells the story of race in America through the stories of three of his friends. Who are the three friends? Why are those three men – plus Baldwin – so significant?
James Baldwin made the following three profound statements in the film. What does he mean when he states the following? (explain in your own words what you think these statements mean).
“History is not the past. It is the present.” (What connections were made in the film between early racial oppression and today?)
“White is a metaphor for power.”
“White people invented the negro.”
Explain why it is unhelpful to argue: “I’m colorblind. I don’t see race.”
What are your thoughts on learning the history of America through the lens of critical race theory? How do you feel about learning that race is socially constructed myth – yet such a powerful component in informing our experiences?

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