Research Question: What is the impact of a three-session professional development course on Implicit Biases for teachers on the engagement levels in my school?

For this assignment, you will read put together the pieces of your priority pie. The purpose of a priority pie is to identify, clarify and weigh independent variables. Developing a priority pie will help you to determine how you can most effectively allocate your time as you go through your theory-building process. A priority pie requires hard work because you will have to determine what you believe to be of critical importance. The priority pie has 4 steps: brainstorming, summarizing, evaluating and graphing. To complete your priority pie, you will complete the action listed in-depth, for each of the 4 steps. Feel free to use tables and creative ways to depict data if that helps you visualize your process (recommended but not mandatory).
Step 1: Brainstorming the Critical Independent Variables (refer to page 67 for more context and information about this step). Action: Answer the following questions: what are the issues, factors, programs and processed that must be addressed to achieve success with this target?
Step 2: Summarizing the Independent Variables (refer to page 68 for more context and information about this step). Action: Using the data and variables you collected in Step 1, write a paragraph to articulate your emerging theory of action. This paragraph should summarize your variables, and what you need to do (needs could include what you have to teach, what you need to measure, what you need to plan for, what you need to consider). In this paragraph, you can write in the 1st person.
Step 3: Conducting an Intuitive Regression Analysis (refer to page 69 for more context and information about this step). Action: Use the Intuitive Regression Analysis Worksheet on page 69 (Figure 4.1). First you will list each factor deemed critical to fostering success with this achievement target. Then you will assign a percentage based on how critical you feel that items is to the achievement of the whole. You get to make the judgment call here on the relative importance of each item.

Step 4: Graphically Displaying the Emerging Theory (refer to page 70 and 71 for more context and information about this step). Action: Use the Intuitive Regression Analysis Worksheet to draw your emergent theory as a pie chart and include a summary paragraph explaining the reasoning behind your allocation of each resource. Page 70 has 2 examples for you to help visualize both the pie chart and the summary paragraphs from 2 case studies.
When you are finished with your priority pie, you may notice that there may still be a lack of detail and precision for you to know where to take your work next. That’s okay! Take a look at page 71 and read the 9 questions posted to support your theory development. These questions can help you to articulate your plan clearly and unambiguously. An optional extension to this assignment is to answer these 9 questions to support your thinking and next steps.
Address the components above in your written composition, using APA formatting and citations where applicable. You can recreate the template found in the textbook or you can separate each component by page. Be sure to include titles/headings where appropriate.

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