Would the audience have time to review this information quickly?

Attached to this assignment, you will find a scan of the textbook page that has Ex. 15.3 and 15.4. If you don’t have the textbook yet, you can refer to these scans. I’d like you to submit one memo that provides your answers to the questions in both Ex 15.3 AND 15.4. Ex 15.3 asks you to review a resume and 15.4 is a continuation that asks you to review an associated cover letter to that resume, so keep that in mind as you build out your response memo.

Here’s the file attachment: Ch. 15 exercises.pdf ( https://uhd.instructure.com/courses/23006/files/4406657?verifier=4rnjpIdNgWe6ZqInZZtIWhLMvNTKlIaCuyR7SjlX&wrap=1 )

Tips for success:

As you write your memo, format according to the sample on p. 387 of the textbook. The main callouts are to include a summary of your overall message (i.e did you find the resume effective for the job?) and then articulate the details of what lead you to the high level conclusions in your summary.

Generally, the memo doesn’t need to be more than 500 words. With this assignment, I’m not looking for you to meet a word count. Rather, I want to see how you’re thinking about what’s working and not working in the sample resume based on its purpose and intended audience.
Connect any observation that you make with the audience or purpose in some way. Think about answers to the following questions:

Would the audience have time to review this information quickly?

How would this information help the audience make a hiring decision? If it doesn’t, then it’s probably not as effective. If it does, then talk me through how it helps.

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