In what areas were there discrepancies, or differences, between your responses and what your “close other” said about you?

My Text book.
McCornack, S & Morrison, K. (2022). Reflect and relate: An introduction to interpersonal
communication (6th edition). Bedford/St. Martin’s.

APPLICATION REPORT #1: You as a Communicator

Purpose: The purpose of the application reports is to assess students’ understanding of course concepts and for students to apply concepts to their own lives. At the start of the semester, it is important to reflect your on own communication abilities as a way to understand your impact on communication interactions, how you might respond to others’ communication, and how you may influence your interpersonal relationships. Self-awareness may lead to understanding in areas of competence and other areas that may able to be improved.

Logistics: This report is due by 11:59pm on Sunday. The report should be in its final, professional form including: a minimum of two full pages and no more than four total, typed, double-spaced, use Times New Roman 12pt font, and 1-inch margins. You should also include a cover page with your name, class, and section number.
Question/Assignment: For the first application report, you will need to download and print the two different versions of the Communication Competence Scale (CCS). You will notice that one file is named communication competence scale and communication competence scale (other). You are responsible for completing the CCS as honestly as possible. After you have completed the survey/scale, you will need to locate a significant/close other (i.e., romantic partner, parent, sibling, friend, roommate, etc.) to complete a communication competence scale (other) with you in mind (i.e., what are their perceptions of YOUR communication competence). They are welcome to fill your name in the blanks if this helps.
After they have completed the survey, you will need to compare and review the two surveys, the answers provided, and the final scores. You will also want to review and reflect on the responses you indicated on the following activities: Personal Identity Wheel (Week Three) and Social Identity Wheel (Week Seven). After completing these tasks, please answer the following questions in essay format:

(1) This survey assesses competence based on the following areas: empathy, listening skills, self-disclosure, self-monitoring, and expressiveness. Based on the survey, in what areas, do you perceive yourself to be a competent communicator? What areas do you perceive yourself to be an incompetent communicator? Why or why not?
(2) Think back to the Personal and Social Identity Wheel activities you have completed so far this semester. How does your definition of being a competent communicator change when you reflect on who you are according to the Personal Identity Wheel? What about after reflecting on the Social Identity Wheel? Given our identities and culture, are you still a competent communicator in the relationships you have?
(3) Reflect on the relationship you have with the “close other” who also evaluated your competence. Why do you trust their assessment of your competence? What aspects of your personal and social identity can they speak to? Did your “close other” perceive your competence similarly to you?
(4) In what areas were there discrepancies, or differences, between your responses and what your “close other” said about you? What discrepancy surprised you the most and why? Do you think a different relational partner/”close other” would have responded similarly or not? Which relational partner do you think is most accurate and why?
(5) What is your overall conclusion from viewing the surveys along with your Personal and Social Identity Wheel results? How do different relationships affect your competence? Given our personal identity and cultural backgrounds, where can we improve our communication with others? Or, should we? Be sure to review the discussion of communication competence from Chapter One, as well as other related concepts from the text.

You should not answer each question by number; instead this should be a cohesive, well-written essay response. If possible, be sure to include your own examples/experiences, material from the textbook, and/or media examples to illustrate your points. Please note: there is no need to upload/scan copies of the surveys with your assignment. Your essay is the only document required for this assignment.

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