Complete the worksheet Word, which will allow you to identify the population and stakeholders for your issue, justify the importance of the issue, and demonstrate the start of research about this issue

This worksheet word document will assist you with your submission for Milestone One, which is due in Module Four.

Complete the worksheet Word, which will allow you to identify the population and stakeholders for your issue, justify the importance of the issue, and demonstrate the start of research about this issue. Use the County Health Rankings and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Diseases and Conditions websites. Consider the following:

Identify the population related to your chosen issue.
Identify the stakeholders related to your chosen issue.
Why does this problem need to be addressed?
What information did you gain through websites and other sources to support your answers?
The group leader will coordinate the activities of the group by reaching out to other members through email or whatever means your group decides. Each group member is required to respond to all of the other members in the discussion thread.

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