What are the current adverse childhood experiences (or risk factors) that might impact the children in this family?

Velasquez Family Case Study

Parent: Christine Velasquez, age 36
Parent: Gene Velasquez, age 39
Paternal Grandmother: Gina Velasquez, age 69
Child: Katie Velasquez, age 7 months
Child: Palo Velasquez, age 3
Child: Patti Velasquez, age 5

Patti Velasquez has recently missed several days fo school. Her kindergarten teacher has called home multiple times but has not been able to reach one of her parents. She thinks that Patti is showing early signs of dyslexia, and she wants to refer Patti for testing. However, due to Patti’s excessive absences and the inability to connect with her parents, the teacher has referred Patti to the Communities in Schools coordinator to reach out to the family and see if there are school resources that might be able to help the family. Ms. Henandez, the CIS coordinator, decides to do a home visit. When Ms. Hernandez arrives at the home, she finds Patti caring for her brother and sister in the front yard unsupervised.

The following additional information has been provided about the family by Gene:

Following the birth of her 7-month-old daughter, Christine began experiencing symptoms of depression. Christine did not have any previous difficulty following the birth of the older two children. There is a great deal of concern about the care of the children as Christine’s symptoms do not seem to be improving. Christine continues to sleep throughout the day and has a “complete lack of regard for the children.” She does not feed or supervise the children and expresses that she does not wish to do so. She is not eating and frequently does not make sense when she is speaking. Additionally, she frequently expresses suicidial ideations. Christine is overwhelmed and cannot function right now.

Gene has taken family medical leave from work to stay home and care for the children; however, his family medical leave is now exhausted. The parental grandmother has been staying with Christine and the children during the day; however, she has personal obligations that require her to leave on occasion. When this occurs, Gene comes home to care for the kids. Gene’s job is now in jeopardy because he has been leaving work frequently, and the family does not know what to do.

The family is also at risk of losing their home due to the reduction in income over the past 7 months. Gene believes that this can be resolved as long as he can continue to work. The family does have close ties to their church, and two church members have offered themselves as resources to the family. Gene’s mother is willing to continue caring for the children during the day, but also needs to be able to attend to her own personal obligations.

Based on the information provided, respond to the following questions:

Question 1: What stressors are currently impacting this family?

Question 2: Classify the stressors experienced by this family using the Classification of Stressor Events handout provided here. Classify the sources, types, duration, and density. Explain your classifications. (see attachment)

Question 3: What resources are immediately available to the family? Be sure to consider both human and nonhuman resources.

Question 4: Based on the information provided, what is Gene’s perception of this situation?

Question 5: Based on the information provided, what is Christine’s perception of this situation?

Question 6: What are the current adverse childhood experiences (or risk factors) that might impact the children in this family?

Question 7: What are the existing protective capacities?

Question 8: Find TWO community resources (this family lives in YOUR community) that might be beneficial for this family. Consider their current constraints on time and their capacity to navigate systems right now.

Resources 1 Name:
Contact information:
Stressors this resource will address:
How this resource will assist:
Cost for services:
Application process:
Your honest assessment of the feasibility of the use of this resource:

Resource 2 Name:
Contact information:
Stressors this resource will address:
How this resource will assist:
Cost for services:
Applicatoin process:
Your honest assessment of the feasibility of the use of this resource:

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