Compose a study on the topic: Should Canada switch to a different electoral system for federal elections?

Compose a study on the topic: Should Canada switch to a different electoral system for federal elections?
In the 2015 election campaign, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau promised that if his
party won, “2015 will be the last federal election conducted under the first-past-
the-post voting system.” When the Liberals made this promise, they had been in
opposition since 2006.

Our “First Past the Post” electoral system is also known as the Single-Member
Plurality (SMP) system.
But once in power, the new Liberal government stalled on implementing its
campaign promise: instead of acting, it set up a parliamentary committee to
investigate the whole question of electoral reform. The committee issued its report
in December 2016, recommending that the Trudeau government hold a national
referendum on whether the SMP electoral system for electing MPs to the House of
Commons should be replaced.
Then the Prime Minister announced his government had dropped the whole idea of
electoral reform – thereby breaking a major electoral promise. Trudeau’s critics
pointed out that having won a big victory under the existing electoral system in
2015, the Liberals were now predictably reluctant to change the status quo. So
Canada still uses the SMP electoral system for elections to the House of Commons.
Chapter six of The Canadian Regime (this is a class reading) points out that
electoral systems help some political parties and discriminate against others. The
parties interpret electoral reform in light of their own self-interests (p. 133). It can
be argued that the Trudeau Liberals’ flip-flop illustrates the point made by the
The Essay-Questions for you:
Should Canada adopt an alternative electoral system for federal elections? Explain
your answer. If your answer to the question is yes, then what alternative electoral
system should we adopt, and why?

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