Micro Assessment Tool Presentation.

Micro Assessment Tool Presentation (Due February 15)Working in small groups, you will research an assigned Micro Assessment Tool. You will thenpresent your findings to the class.
INTERVENTION – Based on this assignment assess the student’s KNOWLEDGE (WHAT THEY KNOW) related to Intervening with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, &Communities
10 possible points (50%)
EVALUATION – Based on this assignment assess the student’s KNOWLEDGE (WHAT THEY KNOW) related to Evaluating with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, &Communities
3 minutes ago
SW 318 Generalist Practice IIMicro Assessment Tool Presentation10 PointsWorking in groups, you are to research an assigned Micro Assessment Tool that is frequentlyused to explore various issues and concerns with clients in social work practice. These mayinclude self-esteem, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or suicide risk.You are to include the following in your presentation:1) Name of Micro Assessment Tool2) Issue or concern the tool is used to assess/evaluate3) Year Micro Assessment Tool was developed and by whom4) Ages and/or populations with whom this Micro Assessment Tool is appropriate to use5) Strengths of this Micro Assessment Tool6) Drawbacks of this Micron Assessment Tool7) Your thoughts and opinions about the Micro Assessment Tool and its use with clientsYou are to provide all students in the class with a copy of the Micro Assessment Tool and leadthe class through completing the tool as part of your presentation

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