Discuss Brazilian Butt Lift policies in the state of Florida.

For your case study #1 (APA formatted style 3 or more pages), research Brazilian Butt Lift policies in the state of Florida. Define what patient confidentiality in healthcare means to you. Evaluate this rights issue about consent and/or confidentiality. Give a summary of the research you obtained in your own words. Which laws can be associated with it? What actions are/were being taken? Who are the interested parties (explain in detail and provide statistics)? What are the benefits and consequences of it in any healthcare setting? Do you agree or disagree with it and why? Will/should it affect other states within the U.S.A. (give examples)?

Foolowing are the sources which can be used
Brazilian Butt Lift Death Rises After 2020 (https://www.nbcmiami.com/investigations/brazilian-butt-lift-deaths-on-the-rise-despite-efforts/2733843/)

Compensation for Florida Brazilian Butt Lift Injuries & Deaths (https://www.lorenzoandlorenzo.com/personal-injury-guide/brazilian-butt-lift-injury/)

Florida Mandates for BBL (https://www.medestheticsmag.com/business/legal/news/22868275/clarius-medical-florida-passes-bbl-law-mandating-use-of-ultrasound-guidance)

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