How might computerized communication be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization as it relates to community policing?

Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management, 6th Edition; Stan Stojkovic, David Kalinich, John Klofas: ISBN-13: 9781285459011 Cengage

Doubled-Spaced: Please provide enough information to thoroughly answer the question below. Must be at least 3 full pages of body text, in total, using Times New Roman 12-pt font. The page limit does not include your name, course number, date, etc.

Topic: Communication

Using the course materials presented so far, please address the following prompt.

Thinking about community policing, how can communication be improved in an organization that is structured in a traditional bureaucratic form, and what communication mechanisms could be created to implement and improve the effectiveness of community policing? How might computerized communication be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of communication in a bureaucratic organization as it relates to community policing?

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