Write a paper on the question, “What is the most important work of Chinese literature?”

**Choose one of the following topics for your term paper**
1) Analyze the causes of Xiangzi’s moral fall. How does Lao She expose social evils by telling the life story of Xiangzi in The Rickshaw Boy?
2) How is social injustice a theme in The Rickshaw Boy? Where is the theme of social injustice portrayed throughout the novel?

Choice 3 out 6 of the PDF I provied
On Detective Sun
On Hu Niu, in Chinese language

General Requirements:
1) Please formulate a thesis statement to provide direction and a central focus for your paper.
2) Please support your arguments with evidence from the texts. Please also provide explanations for your claims or arguments. It is not sufficient to tell me what you think; you need to explain why you think so.
3) You must demonstrate a good understanding of the texts and issues in discussion.
4) You need three academic sources besides the primary source, namely, the novel, for your research for the term paper.
Academic sources refer to academic journal articles or book chapters. Please consult the reference librarians at Killam Library or a tutor at the Writing Centre about academic sources for your research paper. Please carefully document your reference sources as well as in-text citations.

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