What is your chosen product and what is your foreign launch market?

Module 2 Deliverable: Research Project Details
Here’s what you need to do this week.

Step 1: Review the market and product stipulations for the project.
Select a product, real or imagined, that will be launched in a country other than the U.S. that satisfies a marketplace need (in that country!).


Your product must be a tangible product and NOT a service.
Your product must be sold through brick-and-mortar locations and not directly to consumers via the Internet.
Your product must fulfill a market need. There must be a viable market for your product in your target country.
Be sure to consider the economic environment and remember that in some markets much of the population struggles to meet basic needs with little disposable income for products considered “wants”. For example, offering an expensive luxury item (such as a Tesla Model X SUV) in certain markets is unrealistic due to the current economic conditions in those markets.

Your company (whether real or imagined) should be a US-based firm.
Your product may be produced in the US, in your target market, or elsewhere.
Launch Market

Your launch market should be a single foreign country (not the U.S. and not a region or continent).
While not a requirement, we encourage you to consider emerging and developing markets (reference our IMF classifications map).
Your product should NOT already be sold/distributed in your target market by your company (i.e., do not select McDonald’s in France).
Your target market within your chosen foreign country must be the local population (versus tourists or Americans living in that country).
Your target foreign market should differ (culturally, demographically, etc.) from the United States.
Your target foreign market should be one that you are unfamiliar with. (Do NOT pick a country where you have lived or worked).

tep 2: Review the If the World Were 100 People videos before selecting a market.
In Module 1, we reviewed the 2018 version of this video to get a better understanding of conditions in the world beyond our Americentric perspective.

Now review the 2021 version to understand how those conditions may have changed in the last three years and to ensure that our proposed product launch is well matched to the needs of our proposed market.

Watch If the World Were 100 People Links to an external site. (2021 version) [2:32]. link: tep 2: Review the If the World Were 100 People videos before selecting a market.
In Module 1, we reviewed the 2018 version of this video to get a better understanding of conditions in the world beyond our Americentric perspective.

Now review the 2021 version to understand how those conditions may have changed in the last three years and to ensure that our proposed product launch is well matched to the needs of our proposed market.

Watch If the World Were 100 People Links to an external site. (2021 version) [2:32]. Link: tep 2: Review the If the World Were 100 People videos before selecting a market.
In Module 1, we reviewed the 2018 version of this video to get a better understanding of conditions in the world beyond our Americentric perspective.

Now review the 2021 version to understand how those conditions may have changed in the last three years and to ensure that our proposed product launch is well matched to the needs of our proposed market.

Watch If the World Were 100 People Links to an external site. (2021 version) [2:32]. Link:

Step 3: Explain/justify your product and launch market choice in a 1-2 page essay.
After carefully reviewing the Step 1 stipulations, provide a clear explanation of the following:

What is your chosen product and what is your foreign launch market?
Why will this product be successful in your chosen market?
Proposing an appropriate product/foreign market combination may take some research. You may want to consult some of the references you are identifying in the next step.

You will not be able to move forward in your project until your instructor approves your product/foreign market combination. Furthermore, re-submissions will not be re-graded. As such, consider your choice of product and market carefully!

Step 4: Compile a list of at least 5 intended project resources.
These should be resources that either support your product and foreign market choice or support your product launch analysis.

Note that at least 3 of your resources must be scholarly.

Step 5: Submit your essay and resources as a single APA formatted document.
Addressing the prompts in the steps above. APA formatting includes title page, reference page, double spacing, one-inch margins, and headings. The title and reference pages are required but do not count towards the 1-2 page count (associated with the justification).


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