Utilize leadership concepts, knowledge and skills to promote safe, high quality care for diverse populations within complex organizational systems.

The development of a portfolio that identifies each program outcome and provides self-identified evidence of attainment of each outcome:

For each learning outcome 1-6 there will be a 2 projects that will serve as evidence to support each learning outcome. Each project will be referenced. write a paragraph for each outcome stating how the evidence supports the learning outcome.

1. Implement a collaborative approach in developing partnerships to improve health care and to advance the profession of nursing. (evidence 1: Students will collaborate with peers in group work to address a nursing practice or patient related issue regarding health information or patient care technology; evidence 2: group windshield project)

2. Synthesize theoretical and empirical knowledge from nursing and the liberal arts and sciences to provide a foundation for professional nursing practice. (evidence: creating a CV and writing a research paper)

3. Utilize leadership concepts, knowledge and skills to promote safe, high quality care for diverse populations within complex organizational systems. (evidence 1: 2 person project where you will create a new nursing unit, you need to determine the levels of management and the staff positions needed to deliver quality patient-centered care, which is evidence-based. evidence 2: creating an advocacy letter to represent a voice or voices that cannot speak for themselves)

4. Communicate effectively through written, oral, behavioral and technological methods. ( evidence 1: write essay to understand the appropriate application and utilization of social media as a professional tool in nursing practice. evidence 2: nursing brochure the objective of this assignment is to evaluate authoritative health information resources and synthesize scholarly evidence in the development of a visually attractive brochure for patient education.)

5. Integrate evidence from multiple ways of knowing to support excellence in nursing practice and inform clinical reasoning. (evidence 1: having a discussion forum regarding Carper’s fundamental way of knowing, Evidence 2: creating a patient care plan)

6. Engage in a life characterized by integrity, intellectual and spiritual values, social responsibility and service. ( evidence 1: learning contract meeting with a political figure discussing a community issue relevant to the area he/she represents; evidence 2: ethical case study about patients autonomy vs beneficence)

Portfolios will synthesize:

1. Evidence that validates attainment of each program outcome.
2. Connections to specific learning experiences while moving through the program.
3. Deep self-reflection and thoughtful preparation.
4. Professionally written statements with evidence logically organized in support of ideas within the portfolio.
5. Personal and professional growth is linked to achievement of the program outcomes.
6. Professional nursing knowledge consistent with baccalaureate level outcomes.

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