In this assignment, you will write a 4 page paper evaluating the appropriateness of using a psychological test for a specific psychological testing purpose. Choose one of the scenarios below to use as the basis of your psychological testing purpose.

In this assignment, you will write a 4 page paper evaluating the appropriateness of using a psychological test for a specific psychological testing purpose. Choose one of the scenarios below to use as the basis of your psychological testing purpose. You should consider utility, ethical, legal, and cultural issues in your evaluation.


Choose one of the scenarios depicting a testing situation below, and evaluate the appropriateness of using the chosen psychological test for the testing purpose. If needed, add details to the scenario to ensure that you can address each part of the assignment.
Scenario: I-O psychology

A Human Resource Manager of a sales company will assess 105 adult job applicants of diverse ages, ethnicities, races, genders, and educational and socio-cultural backgrounds. The purpose of testing is to select new employees for entry-level, direct sales positions in a retail store. The store is hiring 20 new sales personnel. The Human Resource Manager will use the Hogan Personality Inventory to assess the job candidates.

Be sure to address the following in your paper:

– Describe the testing situation, including the test user/administrator, test taker, testing purpose, and chosen test.. You may find information about the test in the Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook. Add details to the scenario as needed to ensure you can address each part of the assignment thoroughly.
– Evaluate the test’s utility for the testing situation, considering the costs, psychometric soundness, and benefits of the test.
– Defend whether it is ethical or unethical to use the test for the specific test purposes, considering the testing situation, incorporating three General Principles and/or Ethical Standards of the APA Ethics Code into your argument.
– Analyze the legal issues involved in using the test in the specific testing situation, citing relevant federal and state laws (e.g., would the test user/administrator be legally allowed to use the test?).
– Analyze the cultural issues involved in using the test for the specific testing situation. If needed, add details (e.g., add to the test taker’s characteristics) to the scenario provided to address this part of the assignment.
– Cite three or more scholarly sources.

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