Memory, Intelligence, & Language Development-Define episodic memory. Define scripts. What role do scripts play in episodic memory?

Each topic has its own PowerPoint**Memory

a) Describe the method and results of one study that examined memory in infancy. Discuss what the researchers concluded about infant memory based on the results of the study. (7 points)
b) Define episodic memory. Define scripts. What role do scripts play in episodic memory? (6 points)
c) Explain how parents influence episodic memory development. As part of your answer, discuss the results of one study mentioned in the lecture slides that highlights the importance of parents in episodic memory development. (6 points)
d) A lawyer confides in you that the only witness he has for a case is a child. What two pieces of advice would you give him to help boost the chances of that the child provides accurate testimony? Explain why you would give them these two pieces of advice. (6 points)

a) Define intelligence. Define g (general intelligence). Name two outcomes that IQ test performance predicts. (6 points)
b) Describe two ways/reasons why IQ tests are controversial and why they may not be optimal or fair assessments for all children (particularly minority children; hint: you need to watch the videos on the slides to get this answer). (6 points)
c) Identify and describe one basic-level process and one higher-order cognitive ability that are thought to be underlying mechanisms of IQ based on the information-processing approaches to IQ. (6 points)
d) Discuss how genes and environment jointly contribute to the development of intelligence. Then describe one reason why early institutionalism has a negative effect on IQ (refer to Almas et al., 2016). (7 points)

4. Language Development
a) Discuss one way that human language differs from other animal species’ communication systems. That is, describe one property of human language that is unique to human language and is not observed in any other species in the animal kingdom. (4 points)

b) Describe the role that parents play in the development of syntax and semantics in early childhood. (6 points)

c) Compare and contrast the nativist and social-interactionist theories of language development. Describe how each theory differs from the other and state the three beliefs about language development that both theories have in common. (10 points)

d) Describe the method and results of the Johnson and Newport (1989) study and discuss how these results provide evidence for a critical period in language development. (7 points)

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