Compose the Discussion Section of an objective legal memorandum.

Compose the Discussion Section of an objective legal memorandum. Analyze and apply
the law using CREAC Format . (Conclusion , Rule , Explaination of Rule , Application and Conclusion).The provided materials are attached as Appendix C. And you have a limited number of authorities: one statute and one case interpreting that stature. The purpose of the assignment is simply to introduce you to the general analytical framework that attorneys often use to explain and apply the law to a set of facts. This framework—often referred to as CRAC or CReAC—figures prominently in all of the significant writing assignments for this class. This assignment concerns adverse possession. Adverse possession is “a method for someone to obtain title to land through use.”

The statute that applies to this problem is Section 15-1-13 of the Mississippi Code. The style of the case that you will use is Apperson v. White, 950 So.2d 1113 (Miss. Ct. App. 2007). Both are attached as part of Appendices A and B, respectively, to this memo.
The statute defines the legal standard for adverse possession of real property in Mississippi. The case explains what the statute means and applies that meaning to the dispute that was before the court. By analyzing how the court applied the law to that particular set of facts, you can predict how the court would apply the law to the facts in your problem.

As you read the Apperson opinion, you will discover that the Mississippi Supreme Court has created a six-element test to determine whether property has been adversely possessed. For possession to be adverse it must be:
1. under claim of ownership;
Your problem is set up so that only the elements of “under claim of ownership” and “open, notorious, and visible” are in dispute. Although I may decide to use this problem to show you how to raise and dismiss undisputed elements of a legal test, please remember that your analysis and your writing must focus on the “under claim of ownership” element. Lastly
The adverse possessor’s actions must be sufficient in providing the true owner notice that the land was being held under an adverse claim of ownership and must be analyzed by the “quality and not the quantity.

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