What questions are you left with regarding race/ethnicity or what should be explored further in the story you watched or read?

‼️Must watch the movie Instant Family‼️be sure to be detailed in your writing about the movie.

Assignment Overview

Students will view the movie, Instant Family, complete a critical analysis of the movie based on the material covered in class.

Students should be sure to cover these topics in the paper:

-Provide a brief summary of the story presented in the movie. What issues of child maltreatment were discussed? How did the child or children interact with the child welfare system?
-Who were the child welfare professionals in the story? Give your perspective on their performance – what did they do or not do that helped the child(ren)? The foster/adoptive family? The biological family?
-How was the biological family portrayed in the story? Do you feel they were portrayed with dignity and worth? How or why not?
-How were race and ethnicity explored in the story? What questions are you left with regarding race/ethnicity or what should be explored further in the story you watched or read?
-Conclude the paper with an overall reaction to the book or movie
•How have you been impacted by this story?
•Do you feel that it portrayed the child, the biological family, the foster/adoptive family, and child welfare professionals in a realistic way (Be sure to discuss each role specifically)? What was too positive? Too
negative? Biased?
•Would you recommend this movie to others? Why or why not?

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