Write a research paper outlining the specifics of how our bureaucracy and healthcare interact.

How does our bureaucracy intersect with healthcare?


Select a federal or tribal medical agency to research : HHS, CDC, CMS, USDA (SNAP Program), Indian Health Services, VHA.

In a 600-word essay or more, answer the following questions:

Write a research paper outlining the specifics of how our bureaucracy and healthcare interact.Describe one program offered by this agency. Consider:

What are the goals of the program?
What oversight does the program have?
What is the budget of this program?
Is the program effective?

What changes would you make to improve efficient and efficacy? Do you believe the agency budget is sufficient to reach its goals? If not, what would you recommend?
Meets 600 word minimum
Incorporates credible evidence such as statistics, data, or quotes from experts but does not include your opinion
Is proofread with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Is well-organized with like topics together
Does not include ”I” statements
Includes relevant vocabulary from your readings
Includes transitions to assist with flow and readability
APA Format
Includes an APA (7th edition) formatted reference page with two scholarly sources as well as (2 min.) in-text citations

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