Write a research article that goes into further detail on American religion and the implications of Groff v. DeJoy.

You will see in the attached draft multiple sections for how I want to setup the paper. The general thesis is something along the lines of “While religious freedom is a cornerstone of America, Groff v. DeJoy requires a reevaluation by employers of what constitutes undue hardship for a reasonable accommodation.”

What I want you to write is section II. The Significnace of Religion in America and Section V. Implications Employers and employees. I would be happy to discuss with you what page allocation we should do and I am currently thinking both sections combined could be around 15 pages but I understand if you need more pages, and I will put together the rest of the assignment. For legal analysis sections, I generally prefer to write in the IRAC formula, but I recognize the section where I am asking you to do research of surveys on the importance of religion to americans and specifically religion in the american workplace might not be IRAC. Please be sure to cite everything, and cite everything in bluebook format with footnotes. You can see that I have that in there now. Looking for some place to start, please look at the stuff written by Dallan Flake. You can also see under the sections I want you to do a list of resources to religious surveys/studies. Choose to use these or find your own. So long as it is reliable and/or legal, then I am interested in it.

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