Discuss in detail three things you learned though reading the article and the importance of the information.

Module Four Assignment: Article Review
Obtain an article from a scholarly peer-reviewed journal relevant to one topic in the chapters covered thus far in the course (Chapters 1-12).

Students are encouraged to search for an article of an ethical topic of interest that relates to their specific program area (i.e. Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling; or School Counseling). The journal article review and a copy of the article (in .pdf form; articles cut and pasted into the text box or a word document will not be accepted) will be due on day 7 of week 4.
My progam: Marraige, couples, and family counseling
Ethical topic:
Chapter 9: Boundary Issues

Students must adhere to APA guidelines in writing journal article reviews. The article review will be 3 to 5 pages in length (excluding the cover and reference page). Each article review will consist of three sections which will be identified through use of level headings in addition to a brief introduction and conclusion. Level headings should clearly indicate what the student is writing about but only be about three to five words long.
Section one: Discuss in detail three things you learned though reading the article and the importance of the information.
Section two: If the student had the opportunity to ask the author(s) questions, what are three specific questions they would ask. Discuss the rationale behind asking these specific questions.
Section three: The student should discuss three things which could have been done differently in the article. This could include further discussion on a topic, structure of the article, a critique of the article itself, etc.

**Please review the supplemental documents on the Resources page for tips on effective writing**

An appropriate article (which meets date criteria) and following instructions. Therefore, it is important use the correct format, show good effort on APA, and have an appropriate topic and current article from a peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

The article chosen must relate to ethical concepts discussed in the course.
Do not copy and paste into the submission box, as the text will not display correctly. Attach both your Journal Article Review and the PDF of the original article as separate attachments under the same submission (students only get one submission). Articles copy and pasted into a word document will not be accepted.
Fully and thoughtfully answering the prompt for each section and quality.
Having a copy of the article.
Professional writing ability.

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