List a specific graduate program you would like to attend or a specific job in a specific organization that you would like to apply for.

a) List a specific graduate program you would like to attend or a specific job in a specific organization that you would like to apply for. You can make your choice by researching programs or jobs online, and by talking with faculty or family, about the best programs or jobs given your career interests.
(Psychology major. Want to find a human resource or market analysis job after graduation. I’m an international student from east asia.)

b) List a specific question you would like to research for your final paper. This question should be on an issue you hope to explore further in graduate school or in your professional career.
c) List references for four scientific journal articles that address your research question. Each article must be at least 6 pages long and must be published in a scientific journal (not in a magazine, online magazine, or blog post). You will find reference sources such as Google Scholar and PsycINFO helpful for finding articles. APA style is required for your reference list. You must supply the first and last page number for each article.
d) In a total of 250 words, discuss how each article you selected addresses your question. You do not need to do a thorough analysis of each article at this point – just briefly explain how each article is relevant to the topic you want to explore in your paper.

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