Explain how you selected the research to include and what keywords were used in your search.

The impact of the duration and quality of recess on elementary school student’s social development and academic performance.

Based on the topic selected and the problem(s) identified), the student will generate a comprehensive review of the literature. This section of the research paper should contain an historical overview of the problem, relevant theories/models, and current trends related to the problem. This is a literature review, thus, significant research is required and appropriate data/findings must be incorporated. Required sections include the following:

Literature Review
1. Introduction
a. Review the need for your study and why your topic was chosen.
2. Inclusion Criteria
a. Explain how you selected the research to include and what keywords were used in your search.
3. Topic Specific Headings
a. Minimum of one heading is required. Separate your research into purposeful sections to help the reader make sense of the big idea(s) or important research.
4. Summary
a. Summarize your research findings.
All thoughts/ideas should be cited, however, the use of both block and direct quotes should be limited (no more than three). Thoughts shared by more than one researcher should be cited accordingly. Submissions must be double-spaced and use 12 pt. Times New Roman. APA formatting is required. A minimum of ten peer reviewed primary sources must be included. Sources must be current (within 15 years), although it may be necessary to use older sources if such studies continue to influence research/practice today. Cover and reference pages are required. Your literature review should be no less than five pages (cover and reference pages not included).

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