Discuss the history and development of adult parole in the United States.

Background: This final examination is designed to provide the student with a chance to demonstrate the academic, research, writing skills honed during this semester of graduate study. This examination is also a test of the student’s subject knowledge regarding specific issues included in the lectures, reading assignments, course materials, weekly class discussions, and outside study of adult corrections in the United States.
Assignment: The objective of this assignment is to examine parole systems in this country, and arrive at a conclusion regarding the efficacy of parole, and whether or not parole is a worthwhile use of increasingly limited resources. In short, using the phrase from one of the class readings by Ed Latessa, does a state get their “bang for the buck” with the implementation of a parole system?
Develop an essay and insure that the following topics are discussed and documented in this essay:
Insure that you define the terms that will be used in this essay such as parole, probation, pardon etc. Do not use a generic dictionary. Use peer reviewed, refereed or academic journals or use definitions provided by governmental web sites or other legal resources. These definitions should be direct quotes with proper citation and references. Keep in mind that the APA format for a governmental web site differs from the format for a journal reference. There are reliable studies and information through the year 2016 available from federal sources.
1. Based upon your research, develop a thesis statement regarding your belief as to whether or not parole should be abolished.
2. Provide background information including the history and development of parole including in no particular order:
Discuss the history and development of adult parole in the United States. Do not discuss parole in any other countries and do not discuss juvenile parole.
Define parole, probation, and pardon. How do they differ? Who is responsible for the decisions in each case?
What states do not have traditional parole release? List at least 10 states that do not have traditional parole release.
What is a mandatory parole?
What is a discretionary parole?
Do inmates have a right to parole?
Discuss the status and recent history of parole in the Federal Bureau of Prisons beginning in 1984. Include a discussion of the history and impact of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-473, October 12, 1984).
What percentage of the U.S. prison population will ultimately receive a parole?
What was the impact of the truth in sentencing legislation by the federal government on parole systems?

3. Discuss the outcomes of parole in terms of recidivism, and document the conclusions of comparative research reflects whether or not those who do not benefit from a supervised release return to prison at a different rate than parolees. Identify any other benefits or drawbacks to parole release based upon your research.
4. Finally, arrive at a conclusion as to whether or not parole should be abolished. There are a number of agencies that do not include parole and many more agencies that do have a parole function in statute. Which model is the preferred method (parole or no parole) and why. Does parole work. If so, why? If not, why? If the recommendation is to eliminate formal parole, what options should be embraced?
The final exam is worth 25% of the total class grade and thus it requires that the student put forth the best effort possible with a deliverable that demonstrates graduate level writing and research ability. The paper should be written using proper American Psychological Association (APA) format. There are a few exceptions to the APA format that will apply to this essay:
Do not write an “abstract” of the essay. An abstract merely wastes space on a short essay such as this that is not designed for publication.
Do not use subheadings, charts, graphs, simple topic listings, or any overall outline in this essay. This is an essay and should rely upon rhetorical skill to create a compelling discussion on the topic.
The submitted examination must be a minimum of 10 pages in length, double-spaced and adhere to all relevant APA guidelines as previously mentioned, and submitted according to the directions given in your syllabus and the guidance provided in the previous class essays. An essay that is less than 10 pages will be unacceptable and receive a deduction of ten percent (10%) of the raw score, which is the equivalent of 2.5 points for every page less than 10 full pages of text. You are required to utilize and provide at least five (5) academic references (peer review, refereed, or academic journals) in this essay as defined by the ulrichsweb resource that can be found in the library link and is discussed in the course content. If this minimum is not met, there is an automatic deduction of 5%. The five (5) articles selected to meet this requirement must not be from the same journal. Once that minimum is met, articles from the same journal may be utilized freely. Remember to revisit the reference provided in the course content and conferences regarding the definition of peer review, refereed and academic journals before completing this assignment. There shall be no use of web site references in this essay. However, in addition to the required number of peer reviewed, academic or refereed journals required in this question, students may additionally use resources (studies, statistics, etc.) from the U.S. Department of Justice, the Office of Justice Programs, the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Congress, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Bureau of Justice Statistics the National Institute of Corrections. This is an exercise in academic research, graduate level thinking, and graduate writing ability.
This essay exam must be submitted in the grade book using Word software as required in the syllabus and by UMGC. Please remember to avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, me, you, we, etc.) in your essay. This issue has been discussed initially in the syllabus and repeated in numerous areas of the course content. The use of such pronouns will reflect upon the tone of the essay up to a deduction of a maximum of five percent (5%). As with the length of the paper, this deduction will be taken at the beginning of the scoring process and then other deductions will apply. The paper must be submitted in 12 point black New Times Roman font and double-spaced. Do not insert multiple hard returns between paragraphs. Two hard spaces are required between each sentence and proper pagination is required. Particular attention must be directed at proper APA citation and reference format.
Remember that your essay must be submitted by the due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. This is particularly important for the final exam since the semester ends three days after the final is due. The faculty are required to submit final grades to the University in a timely fashion. For grading and submission information, please refer to the departmental rules provided in the syllabus in the Grading Information and Criteria which describes further the issues regarding format, timeliness, submission method, etc. This examination will be graded according to the grading rubric provided for in the syllabus after any mandatory deductions for timeliness, length, peer reviewed journals and the use of personal pronouns are taken as discussed above.

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