Describe your findings in at least a 6 sentence paragraph how it can be applied to alcohol abuse.

and Tobacco Worksheet
Part 1 (5 points)
– Research the concept of Harm Reduction.
Describe your findings in at least a 6 sentence paragraph how it can be
applied to alcohol abuse. Include why
you think harm reduction strategies are controversial in the US.
Part 2 – (5 points)
– “Cubing” is an activity that involves exploring an issue from different
directions. For this part of the
worksheet, you are to address various aspects of binge drinking and/or alcohol
abuse on college campuses and any factors that may contribute to the situation.

1. Research
and discuss the health issue of binge drinking or alcohol abuse on college
campuses – provide at least 2 references where information was found.
2. Analyze
the factors and attributes that contribute to the situation. Identify at least 2 and discuss your
3. Take
a stand on the issue – using logical reasoning and scientific literature –
provide your opinion on the health issue of binge drinking and/or alcohol abuse
on college campuses with recommendations for action.
Part 3 (10 points).
– Tobacco/Alcohol Advertising. Critics
claim that most of the collegiate advertising for alcohol is directed at the
“below age 21” crowd and that prevention messages are not strong enough to
offset the potential health dangers. Marketing
of Tobacco/nicotine products are a concern as many times they make the products
appear like candy/gum and attractive to the younger population.
Write a 1-page double space reflection on
your opinion related to the marketing and sales of these products providing
specific examples of marketing tactics you have observed either on campus, in
the community or via social media.

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