Write a research paper on the following topic: Do genes play a role in criminal behaviour?

Write a research paper on the following topic: Do genes play a role in criminal behaviour?- Topic meets requirements for the task (debatable, not on the Forbidden List, etc.) and is stated in a single sentence of ten words or less.
– Discusses how/why the topic is debatable and outlines the major positions on the topic. Any answers that are less than a full paragraph (3 sentences or more) will receive this score.
– Poses several questions which could lead to more focus for the topic and are not solely intended just to provide basic information about the topic.
– Clearly articulates a side being taken on the topic (or sufficiently explains why a position has not yet been taken on the topic). Provides reasoning as to why this position is being taken.
– Discusses the overall importance of this topic, including who it affects and how/why it is important to others outside of that audience.

– What is the proposed topic??
– What is debatable about this topic/What are the oppsing positions? ( The topic must have at least 2 *resonable* sides to it)
– What are some possible questions to ask about the topic?
– What do I think/believe about this topic? Why?
– Why is this topic imporant? Who is affected by this topic? How and why?
– Who would be an appropriate audeince for a *research paper* over this topic?
– What is my purpose?
Provides a potential viable audience that is appropriate for a research paper and defends the choice.
– Purpose of the paper is connect with a debate and a goal to accomplish through the debate. Purpose is *not* informative.
– Demonstrates some knowledge of what research is out there and what needs to be found. Research appears to be available and potentially viable.

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