Compose a research paper on the topic of Integration Exercise and Source Summary.

Compose a research paper on the topic of Integration Exercise and Source Summary.Since this essay will likely use outside, secondary sources (as opposed to our earlier essays, where the focus was on the examples or topics themselves), learning how to better integrating outside sources will help us produce stronger arguments.
Be sure to check out Integrating Sources Responsibly for more on the difference between these 3 methods of source integration. . You can also check out “Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing” (from University of Arizona) for more explanation and examples.
For this exercise, act as if you are composing an argument on Millennial stereotypes. Read through the article linked here: “Millennials Admit to Being Narcissists, but Don’t You Dare Call Them ThatLinks to an external site.”

First, summarize this article in 4-5 sentences, focusing on the article’s main points. Remember: a summary covers the major points presented in the article and presenting it in your own words.
Secondly, paraphrase a particular section of the article that you found to be most interesting or useful on this topic. Remember: paraphrase focuses on a shorter section from the article– a single idea or sentence(s) — and presents that in your own words.
Lastly, construct a sentence that clearly identifies the author, states his/her credibility (why should your reader think this information is coming from a trustworthy or knowledgeable source? Does the author possess this, or does it come from the source of publication?), and include a direct quote from the article. Remember: this statement of credibility should flow naturally as a part of the larger sentence to set up the information or quote you’re providing.

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