Discuss how each group addressed systemic issues within their communities, including health care, education, and police brutality.

TOPIC RESPONSE 1: Comparative Analysis of Civil Rights Movements


1. Jones, Enck-Wanzer, and Fernandez, “Radicals in Black and Brown: Palante, People’s Power, and Common Cause in the Black Panthers and the Young Lords Organization”

SOURCE: Radicals in Black and Brown.pdf

LLS322 PR CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT-2 (optimized).pdf

2. FILM: “Takeover” (2021)



In this assignment, you are tasked with conducting a detailed analysis of the civil rights experiences of the Young Lords in comparison to the Black Panther Party within the United States. Your essay will delve into the similarities and differences in their struggles, outcomes, and the significance of alliance building within the broader context of social change and civil rights movements.

Assignment Details & Structure

SOURCE/CITATION: The Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History. (2007). Radicals in Black and Brown: Palante, People’s Power, and Common Cause in the Black Panthers and the Young Lords Organization. The Robert and Sallie Brown Gallery and Museum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Length: 3-4 pages(750-1000 words), double-spaced.

Citation Style: APA format for all citations and references.

Quotes and Paraphrasing: In your essay, please ensure to support your arguments and analyses with direct quotes and paraphrasing from the source material provided for this assignment. This approach will not only strengthen your points but also demonstrate your ability to engage critically with the source content. Proper citation of these quotes and paraphrases, in accordance with APA format, is essential for validating your arguments and adhering to academic standards.


Briefly introduce the purpose of your essay and outline the main points you will cover.

Strategies and Struggles: Compare the strategies and struggles of the Young Lords Organization with the Black Panther Party. Discuss how each group addressed systemic issues within their communities, including health care, education, and police brutality.
Impact on Society: Examine how the movements led by these groups have influenced broader societal changes, particularly in areas such as education, employment, and public health. Highlight the ways in which these communities have rallied around a shared agenda for social change.
Alliance Building: Analyze the importance and complexities of building alliances between movements, such as the collaboration between the Young Lords and the Black Panther Party. Provide examples of how these alliances were formed, their successes, and the challenges they encountered.

Summarize your main findings and reflect on the broader implications of your analysis for understanding the dynamics of civil rights movements in the U.S.

Ensure your essay adheres to the specified length and citation requirements.

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