port-specific article in the mainstream media that presents issues of sportspersonship, gamespersonship and/or normative or deviant/malicious cheating.

CR1 – Max. WC = 300. Include your WC at the end of your text, followed by your “Key” (order of “Key” must align with the order in which abbreviations are first used in the text) and “References” (these do NOT count against your WC).
Choose a sport-specific article in the mainstream media that is of interest to you and presents issues of sportspersonship, gamespersonship and/or normative or deviant/malicious cheating (“SGC”). Make the title of the article (along with the weblink) your “Title” (this will not count against your WC).
Explore the moral/ethical, sociological, legal (hereinafter, “MESL”) underpinnings/the “why” of the SGC. Craft a comment that entwines nuanced aspects of MESL theories to explain/understand the SGC.

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