“Oud Perfume: The Art and Science of Traditional Fragrance Making in Saudi Arabia”.-Why are Arabs so “scent-minded” (or olfactive -related to the sense of smell) compared to people from other cultures?

The essay is very flexible, you can organize it however you want as long as it is related to the topic

“You may mention in the Introduction or have it as a motto this Hadith Nabawiyy faous in Islam: “Hubbibat ilayya min duniyaa-kum an-nisaa’ wa-T-Tiib wa ja’altu qirrat ‘aynii fii- S -Salaat”.

-you may want to visit these for inspiration:

-after introducing some details about the tree, the natural ingredients, etc., insist on the spiritual significance (including its presence and use or association in religious rituals, but not only) of the oud fragrance then the cultural significance and the occasions in which it is most used.

-of course, you may refer to the perfume industry, the House of Oud Perfume, etc., in the second part of your essay.Can you answer the question: Why are Arabs so “scent-minded” (or olfactive -related to the sense of smell) compared to people from other cultures? It would be nice to see the results of your research about this, in the third part of your essay. Just for reflection/inspiration: -organize the material well and find your own references that suit your purpose!”

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