Describe a state level health related policy he or she is currently proposing or publicly supporting, or recently proposed or supported. (35 points). Remember all the determinants of health when looking for policies. For the policy:

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Your United States Senator or Representative and your State of Florida Senator or Representative, and Their Health Policy Involvement

Legislators at the federal and state levels are potential suppliers of new health policies. Legislators are elected, and may be motivated to serve the public interest or their own self interest. As a concerned citizen, and especially as a health professional, it is important that you know where the legislators that represent you stand on various health issues. What types of health policies do they favor, and which policies are they likely to oppose?

You are to prepare a paper discussing:

Your United States Senator or United States Representative and their health policy involvement
Your State Senator or State Representative and their health policy involvement

Part 1: Identify the United States Senator or United States Representative that represents the district in which you reside. They work and represent you in Washington D. C. and can be identified by visiting the U.S. Senate web site and selecting your state, or U.S. House of Representatives web site and entering your zip code.

Provide a brief biography of your U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative. (10 points)

Describe a federal level health related policy he or she is currently proposing or publicly supporting, or recently proposed or supported. (35 points). Remember all the determinants of health when looking for policies. For the policy:

identify and provide some background on the health related problem the policy addresses or addressed.
explain how the policy is a potential solution to the problem.
identify whether it is it an allocative or regulatory policy, and for whom the policy will have consequences and why.
identify the groups and/or individuals (including other legislators) that are opposed or were opposed to the policy and why.

Part 2: Identify the Florida State Senator or Florida State Representative that represents the district in which you reside. They work and represent you in Tallahassee as part of the state government and can be identified by visiting the Florida Senate or Florida House of Representatives web site. Enter your address to find your State Senator or State Representative.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are covering your State Senator or State Representative for Part 2. State Senators and Representatives will have an office in the state capital (Tallahassee for Florida). They will not have an office in Washington DC. You can check their office locations on their web site to ensure the person you are covering is a State Senator or State Representative.

Provide a brief biography of your State Senator or State Representative. (10 points)

Describe a state level health related policy he or she is currently proposing or publicly supporting, or recently proposed or supported. (35 points). Remember all the determinants of health when looking for policies. For the policy:

identify and provide some background on the health related problem the policy addresses.
explain how the policy is a potential solution to the problem.
identify whether it is it an allocative or regulatory policy, and for whom the policy will have consequences and why.
identify the groups and/or individuals (including other legislators) that are opposed or were opposed to the policy and why.
Be concise; the body of the paper must be three pages or less. Only three pages of content will be read and graded.

The paper must be referenced and in APA format with no spelling, grammatical, or sentence structure errors. You must list your references, and those references must be cited in the text of the paper. (10 points)

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