Define each of the three terms you selected. The course texts contain most of the 421 key terms, while this United Nations website has the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” – Confucius, Analects 13.3
Let’s start at the beginning with defining terms.
Attached below is a list of terms for you to define. Please choose two key terms and one UN
sustainable development goal. Please review the thread below and, ideally, choose terms that others have not yet defined. Then, for this starting thread, please do the following:
Define each of the three terms you selected. The course texts contain most of the 421 key terms, while this United Nations website has the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
Be sure to use reputable sources, then cite each using the standard format (APA).
Then, for each term, elaborate on what the term means to you. An example is shown in the
first thread post for the word ‘leadership.’
In addition to your original post, add two replies to the work of your classmates. Your replies
can be to original posts or to replies from others.
Through this, we will build a set of definitions that will aid our coursework.

Discussion Requirements
Submit one original thread
Reply to at least 2 other students
By posting in this discussion forum, you agree to abide by the Discussion Forum Guidelines.
Select “Reply” below to add your initial thread.
LDRS 421 Key Terms 2024 (1).docx

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